Phoenicorn Arteosphere

Chaos Creator


I work with traditional media, digital, and even learning to make Comics!


I went very wild for a personalized badge with some glow-in-the-dark paint. 2019, watercolor

Digital works

an animal personalization of me as a Hyena on skates

“I will always be filled with cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Smell of incense and spellwork drift from my eyes light neon lights” -El Vixion

2021 painting I did of a friend. His words was just so visually pleasing, I had to get it from my mind to something visible. I’m glad I’m improving my art skills to do this more accurately these days.

Reference sheets of characters

Mario, Mar for short

an African Wild Dog character that I made that is always up for being put into stories

Mar is a free spirit who travels the world. He loves his red motorcycle, he’s a gentle soul from a difficult past. He likes cold pizza and loves video games. Feel free to include him as a background character in your world, would love for him to travel.


Nearing the end of her life, Lueria thinks of herself complete in her life’s journey, until Fate decides to change it for the worse when a LIVE creature comes crashing for her help. She can’t heal souls, she only grows plants into dead things. How is that suppose to save the world when Fate herself has been gone for eons?

Mr. Wilde: Short Fanfiction of Nick Wilde from Zootopia exploring a missing person.

Bakeware! When you are cursed to bake and bake and bake…
(one pg only)

© 2024 Phoenicorn Arteosphere

Theme by Anders Norén