Phoenicorn Arteosphere

Chaotic Animancer

Action begets motivation

What does this mean?

Well for one, it very much contradicts what everyone is told.

get motivated to do the thing


just stay motivated

any motivational poster from the 2000 era really

Yeah. It doesn’t work like that.
this “just do it” advice does far less for those of us who are some amount of neurospicyness.

Waiting for Motivation to come inspire you to do a thing you want/need to do, will not get you the thing you want done in the end.
Using the “I’m just waiting for motivation” is honestly, a different side of procrastination.

Take action in order to have motivation. and when you have motivation, more motivation will follow.

sounds amazing right?

But this is not the cure all for all your wants and needs. Its really hard and may seem daunting if you have experienced your motivation depleting or distracted by other things easily…

Heres why.
Motivation is like any relationship you develop in your life. It needs continuous care and work put into it to grow and be healthy for everyone involved. Which is you and your dreams. Give yourself patience and time when things dont go right. Mistakes and falling out of habit is part of taking action.

Dream BIG! Declare your dreams and pursue them. But start small. Do the small things that take you towards your goal. Break down the intimidating climb into manageable steps you can do today is much helpful, no matter where you land on the neurospicy level. Its hard. I know. Its hard to see your end goal seem so close, but in reality its really REALLY far.

I can only speak from experience, bc that is all the perspective I truly have.

I am working on becoming an animator. Yes I graduated from college with a 3d animation degree, and created a demo reel with my school works.
but thats not going to get me to be an animator.
I need to make animations to become an animator.
If words alone could be the key, I woulda been an animator ages ago.
but thats not going to get me anywhere.
I need to make animations. Big or small.
and every idea, every action I take, starts with me animating.

Now I’m no sage or wise man, I’m still learning this too. Get yourself references, ask for help. Go do the thing!


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